Thai marriage customs

Family acceptance is important in Thailand, and it’s common for families to handle their son’s couples. The bride’s families did meet with the groom’s family to debate how significant bride is required and to see if their son and daughter would approve of their child marrying their daughter in the process of Sin Sod

A pair may gather up at a water-pouring table before the marriage festival, where older users of both families and special guests will nominate their foreheads with a white yarn, which monks typically do at the previous ceremony. Afterward, they will receive two mong kols (ceremonial Thai headpieces ) to wear, which will serve as additional emblarage for their union.

The groom wo n’t be permitted to enter the bride’s home until he passes through a number of symbolic doors or gates when the khan maak procession arrives at the bride’s residence. The bridesmaids and her family typically construct these, which gently prevent him from passing readily while the throng shouts him on with lots of fun and frivolity.

The pair will bow down and pray for their success and happiness before the band transfer. The bride and groom may also give a local church a merit product in the form of money or food to bless the sanctuary for its gifts during this ritual. Rod Nam Sang, or Rod Nam Sang mail order bride thailand, is a custom that numerous contemporary spouses follow to celebrate the beginning of their new life jointly.

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